Louisiana Beta Southern University and A & M College Chapter Report

Advisor: Dr. Deborah L. Clark


President: Adrianna Guillory
Secretary: Joseph Walker
Treasurer: Dr. D. L. Clark
PME Committee Co-Chair: Mr. Christopher Marshall
Advisor: Dr. Katrina Cunningham

Number of New Members Inducted: 2


Number of Continuing Members: 9


Describe the two most interesting or unusual chapter activities this year:

Our 2011 Spring Induction Program activity was interesting and exciting in our effort to re-activate the chapter. On April 19th, we inducted two mathematics majors, Adrianna Guillory and T’Era Hartfield. Both learners had at least a 3.4 GPA in their major and overall. The induction ceremony was well attended with retired professor, current professors, friends of the inductees, and learners in and from the Master of Science graduate program in Mathematics. Freddie Spencer, a prospective summer graduate, was our presenter during the induction program who spoke on ‘ALTERNATE ESTIMATION OF KINETIC TRIPLETS USING CALCULUS’. The recently designed national PME buttons were distributed to our new members, and to current & graduated Master of Science learners previously inducted into Louisiana Beta.

New members of Louisiana Beta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon are (lt. to rt.) T’Era
Hartfield and Adrianna Guillory at Southern University and A&M College in
Baton Rouge, LA.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present a paper at the 2011 PME national meeting at MathFest in Lexington, Kentucky?

We do not have chapter members who plan to attend or present at MathFest this year. However, we will work on attending &/or presenting for next summer.

Do you have any news about current students or recent graduates, for example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences?

We proudly announce Learner Joseph Walker, an intern in Washington, DC. in the Quality Education for Minorities/National Science Foundation 10 week program; and Learner T’Era Hartfield, a participant in the Secondary Holmes Program at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA as our newsworthy honorees.