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The Amendments to the Bylaws of Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc. were approved by vote of the Chapters on April 15, 2006.
The Amendments to the Constitution of Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc. were approved by vote of the Chapters on May 15, 2006.
Those of the 41 Pi Mu Epsilon student speakers who requested travel assistance to attend MathFest 2006 will each receive $150 for their subsistence at the meeting in addition to their travel reimbursement. Pi Mu Epsilon is able to give these students this subsistence because of a grant from the National Security Agency. Ten of these students received $150 cash awards for the excellence of their presentations. Seven of these cash prizes are subsidized by a grant from the American Mathematical Society, one is furnished by the Council on Undergraduate Research, and two are given by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The MAA's Special Interest Group on issues of Environmental Mathematics also offered to give similar prizes, but in 2006 no talks qualified for this subject area.
The Council voted unanimously to establish the Kentucky Zeta Chapter at Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights. It is our 320th Chapter.
The best student-written articles in the 2005 issues of the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal that received the Richard V. Andree Award were:
The financial report for the July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006 fiscal year showed that Pi Mu Epsilon is in good shape and was accepted unanimously by the Council. The budget for the July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 fiscal year was approved.
Pi Mu Epsilon has been computerizing its Membership records for the past few years. It is anticipated that the keyboarding will be completed in mid-fall 2006.
The Editor of the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal reported that during the past year 41 papers were submitted for publication. Of these, 9 of the papers were written by college students, 24 by faculty, and 8 were joint papers by faculty and students. The fall 2005 issue of the Journal contained 4 papers of which 2 were written by students, one of which was written while the student was in high school and one while the student was an undergraduate. Of the remaining two papers, one was by a faculty member and one was jointly written by an undergraduate and a faculty member. The spring 2006 issue contained 8 papers, 1 authored by a student, 5 by faculty, and 2 joint faculty-student. Last year there were 30 problems published in the Problem Section of the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 15 in each of the two issues. Precedence is given in the Journal to publish articles and solutions written by undergraduates.
The Student Reception welcoming Pi Mu Epsilon and MAA student speakers the evening before MathFest began was at the highest attendance level ever. It was followed by a stimulating team Jeopardy Game put on by the MAA.
The breakfast for Chapter Advisors held for the first time at this MathFest 2006 was deemed a great success, and Pi Mu Epsilon will continue to host these breakfasts at MathFests. Pi Mu Epsilon will discontinue sponsoring the joint advisor breakfasts at the winter meetings since at those meetings the Pi Mu Epsilon table in the Exhibit Hall is the primary place to meet and talk with those interested in Pi Mu Epsilon.
Visits were made to five Chapters in the Pi Mu Epsilon National Lectureship and Enhancement Program for 2005-2006:
In addition, President Joan Weiss reactivated our New York Alpha Epsilon Chapter at Siena College in Loudonville, New York.
The Council approved funding for applications from three Pi Mu Epsilon Chapters for our 2006-2007 National Lectureship and Enhancement Program:
The Council will accept applications for additional Lectureship visits for the spring 2007 term. The deadline for the applications will be December 1, 2006.
The Council approved a price increase from $10 to $12 for Pi Mu Epsilon official Honor Cords when sold in quantities of three or less to individual members. The price will remain at $10 for higher quantities and in any quantity when sold to Chapter Advisors along with their order for Membership Certificates.
Pi Mu Epsilon will make a formal request to the MAA that its MathFest 2014 be held in Syracuse, NY in honor of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Pi Mu Epsilon at Syracuse University in 1914.
President-Elect David Sutherland represented Pi Mu Epsilon at the gala celebration in Washington, DC honoring the 12 winners of the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad.
The complete minutes of this meeting will be available from the Pi Mu Epsilon Secretary-Treasurer after they are approved at the January 2007 meeting of the Pi Mu Epsilon Council in New Orleans, LA.
Leo J. Schneider
Secretary-Treasurer, Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc.