PME Journal

One of the ways that Pi Mu Epsilon promotes scholarship in mathematics is through the publishing of the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal.
The sole purpose of this Journal is to present papers and mathematical problems by and for its members.


You can select a 2-year domestic subscription, 5-year domestic subscription, or a 2-year international subscription.

Price: $30.00

Individual Back Issues:

Available for purchase: Volume 11 (Fall 1999) – Present (except Volume 11, issue 5). You will be prompted to enter the Issue Number at Checkout.

Price: $7.50

Whole Volumes (5 years, 10 issues):

Available for purchase: Volume 11 (Fall 1999) – Present (except Volume 11, issue 5). You will be prompted to enter the year range at Checkout.

Price: $75.00