New Advisors

Whom can I ask for help?

The first thing for new advisors to remember is that your Pi Mu Epsilon contact and useful source of information is the Pi Mu Epsilon Secretary-Treasurer,

Make sure that (s)he has your name and contact information on file!

How should new members be selected, enrolled, and initiated?

Selection: The minimum national membership requirements are found in the Pi Mu Epsilon Constitution, Article IV, Section 2. Each chapter can use these as stated or make them more rigorous.

The Membership Enrollment Form should be completed on the Membership Dashboard (Checks should be made out to Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc., and mailed to the Secretary-Treasure who’s address can be found on the Council page.) More instructions about enrollment and payment may be found here Membership Enrollment . PME Merchandise can also be ordered on the dashboard, and advisors are encouraged to do so, as opposed to the online merchandise order system , when ordering items in bulk for induction ceremonies.

Allow two weeks between the time you submit your enrollment form and the date you set for your induction. The Keypins and certificates will be packaged in the same envelope. The Tee Shirts and Honor Cords are shipped separately.

Initiation: The 6 minimum ingredients for the Induction Ceremony are in Article VII, Section 5 of the PME Constitution. Every Chapter designs its own ceremony around these ingredients. A couple of somewhat elaborate examples can be found here.