Beginning in the summer of 2008, Pi Mu Epsilon initiated a triennial faculty advisor award. The award consists of a plaque and a cash award of $500 to be presented at the Pi Mu Epsilon Banquet. In 2014 the award was named in honor of J. Douglass Faires, to honor his exemplary service to PME at the Ohio Xi Chapter and at the national level. Professor Faires served on the National Council for many years and as President of the Society from 1999 to 2002.
The awardee shall be a faculty member who has demonstrated dedication and exceptional service to the goals of Pi Mu Epsilon, which are promoting scholarly activity in the mathematical sciences among undergraduates.
- Current Pi Mu Epsilon Council members will not be eligible.
- It is possible that the awardee will not be an official Chapter Advisor or Permanent Faculty Correspondent.
The awardee shall be selected by the President and the President-elect in the terms that ended June 30 of the year the award will be given. A suggested list, but not inclusive, of things considered in selecting the awardee are:
- Bringing students to regional and national conferences;
- Mentoring students to publish articles in the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal and other publications;
- Supporting an active Pi Mu Epsilon Chapter on campus, etc.
Previous Awardees
On August 1st, 2008, Professor Michelle Ghrist of the United States Airforce Academy, became the first recipient of this award.
Professor Michell Ghrist, United States Airforce Academy, receives the Faculty Advisor Award from Pi Mu Epsilon President Professor David Sutherland at MathFest 2008.
Professor Nathan Gibson (Oregon Beta at Oregon State University) was the second recipient in 2011. Nathan earned the award for his work with Oregon Beta, including founding the Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (NUMS).
Professor Nathan Gibson, Oregon State University, receives the Faculty Advisor Award from Pi Mu Epsilon Past President Professor David Sutherland at MathFest 2011.
Professor George Yates (Ohio Xi at Youngstown State University) was the third recipient in 2014. George earned the award for his tireless work bringing dozens of Ohio Xi members to MathFest every year.
Professor George Yates, advisor of the Ohio Xi Chapter of PME at Youngstown State University, was awarded the 2014 J. Douglas Faires Triennial Advisor Award at the PME Centennial Banquet. Professor Barbara Faires, wife of the late J. Douglas Faires, is pictured with Professor Yates. (Photograph by Robert Sefton Smith)
Professors Jennifer Galovich and Tom Sibley (Minnesota Delta at St. John’s University) were the recipients of the fourth J. Douglas Faires Advisor Award.

Professor Ken Roblee, advisor of the Alabama Eta chapter at Troy University, is the 5th recipient of the J. Douglas Faires Advisor Award. Ken was presented the award on August 6, 2021 at the virtual MathFest conference in recognition of his outstanding work with the Alabama Eta chapter, including the organization of Troy University MathFest. Troy MathFest is an annual regional conference that promotes undergraduate research and routinely attracts well over 100 participants each year.