Institution: University of Redlands
Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Advisor: Joanna Bieri
Advisor's Email Address:
Has There Been a Change in Chapter Advisor During the Past Year?: no
Permanent Faculty Correspondent:
Permanent Faculty Correspondent's Email Address:
Officers: President: Connor Hough, Vice-President: Larry Dang, Secretary: Mary Simms, Treasurer: Heliezer (David) Espinoza, Public Relations Chair: Sophia Heye, Social Activities Chair: Jose Gonzalez,
Chapter Website: http://
Number of New Members: 13
Number of Continuing Members: 14
Activities: We are a new chapter so we started a monthly dinner and game night at the chapter advisors house. All the Pi Mu Epsilon members come over to enjoy a home cooked meal and either card games or video games. We played Set, Set Cubed, and Poker. We had our first Pi Day induction ceremony for new members. It was a great event! We honored one of our math professors as professor of the year nominee.
Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present at the PME National Meeting this year?
Do you have any news about current students or recent graduations? For example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences, etc.
Recent Graduates:
Peter Acevedo (Past President)
Katherine Guiterrez
Nicole Lashway
Casey Peters (Founder)
Michael Pounds
Wendy Rummerfield (Founder)
Katherine Wu
Connor Hough (Past President)
Mary Simms
Heliezer (David) Espinoza
Sophia Heye
Jose Gonzalez
Seven students are attending graduate school. We also had five students attend JMM this year and seven students participate in the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research.
If you were awarded a PME Lectureship, Conference, or Prize Grant within the past year, please briefly describe the results.