
Massachusetts Lambda Chapter Report

Institution: Merrimack College

Reporting Year: 2021-2022

Advisor: Dana Rowland

Advisor's Email Address: rowlandd@merrimack.edu

Has There Been a Change in Chapter Advisor During the Past Year?: no

Permanent Faculty Correspondent: 

Permanent Faculty Correspondent's Email Address: 

Officers: 2021-22 President: Piper Dupuis ('21) dupuisbd@merrimack.edu 2021-22 Vice-President: Shannon Bedard ('22) bedards@merrimack.edu 2022-23 President: Andrew Caron ('23) carona@merrimack.edu 2022-23 Vice-President: Freddy Monroy ('23) monroyf@merrimack.edu

Chapter Website: http://

Number of New Members: 13

Number of Continuing Members: 6

Activities: Our PME chapter co-sponsored six activities with the Merrimack College Math Club throughout the year, including a few math game nights, a watch party for the Michael Dorff webinar Math in Disney and Pixar Movies (sponsored by FUNDAPROMAT and the MAA), a student organized team-based math competition, and an interactive undergraduate talk on mathematical approaches to the Best Word in Wordle.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present at the PME National Meeting this year? Hannah Leopold-Brandt presented a poster, Finding Cycles in the Cone of Book Representations of Complete Graphs, during the AMS-PME Undergraduate Student Poster Session at the virtual Joint AMS meetings, April 8 2022.

Do you have any news about current students or recent graduations? For example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences, etc.
Hannah Leopold-Brandt ('22) will be starting a mathematics doctoral program at University of Rhode Island in the fall. Daniel Kaplan ('22) is pursuing a Master of Science in Business Analytics with a concentration in Data Science through Southern New Hampshire University. Alessandro Negri ('22) is pursuing a Masters in Business Analytics at Merrimack College.

If you were awarded a PME Lectureship, Conference, or Prize Grant within the past year, please briefly describe the results.