PME is pleased to be organizing both a Student Poster Session & Contributed Paper Session at JMM 2024! The 2024 Joint Mathematics Meeting will be in San Francisco from January 3rd-January 6th.
AMS-PME Student Poster Session:
Friday, January 5th, 2024
Session 1: Friday, 12:00pm-1:30pm
Session 2: Friday, 3:30pm-5:00pm
These sessions feature research done by undergraduate students. First-year graduate students are eligible to present if their research was completed while they were still undergraduates. Research by high school students can be accepted if the research was conducted under the supervision of a faculty member at a post-secondary institution.
Appropriate content for a poster includes, but is not limited to, a new result, a new proof of a known result, a new mathematical model, an innovative solution to a Putnam problem, or a method of solution to an applied problem. Purely expository material is not appropriate for this session.
The deadline to submit abstracts for the poster session on the JMM portal is Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Click here to submit your abstract on the JMM portal. Scroll down to PME and click Begin A Submission. After entering your information, you will have the opportunity to choose between the poster session of the paper session.
Questions regarding this poster session should be directed to the organizers: Chad Awtrey, cawtrey@samford.edu, or Frank Patane, fpatane@samford.edu.
Pi Mu Epsilon Contributed Paper Sessions on Research by Undergraduates:
Thursday, January 4th, 2024 : 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Friday, January 5th, 2024: 8:00am – 12:00pm
These sessions provide a venue for undergraduate students to deliver podium presentations that are either purely expository in nature or based on original research. First-year graduate students are eligible to present if their research was completed while they were still undergraduates. High school students are eligible to present if their research was conducted under the supervision of a faculty member at a post-secondary institution. Presenters need not be members of any particular mathematics or honorary society.
The deadline to submit abstracts for the contributed paper session on the JMM portal is Tuesday, September 12 2023 (UPDATED): Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Click here to submit your abstract on the JMM portal. Scroll down to PME and click Begin A Submission. After entering your information, you will have the opportunity to choose between the poster session of the paper session.
The contributed paper sessions are organized by Jennifer Beineke, jbeineke@wne.edu and Thomas Wakefield, tpwakefield@ysu.edu.
Travel Funding for the Joint Math Meetings:
Pi Mu Epsilon has funding to support student Pi Mu Epsilon presenters in the paper session or the poster session up to a maximum of $1200 per presenter. Multiple presenters for a project are encouraged to apply and there is no limit as to the number of speakers from a given chapter that can apply for PME funding. There is no funding for delegates from chapters that are not presenting.
The deadline to apply for funding is Tuesday, October 17, 2023. Students who will be PME members by that date are eligible to apply. They should apply after submitting their abstract on the JMM portal. They will need the PME state and chapter (see chapters page on this website), and the abstract ID, which should be received after submitting the abstract. Click here for the travel funding application.
Programming at the Joint Math Meetings
Be sure to check out the PME page with opportunities of interest for students: https://www.jointmathematicsmeetings.org/meetings/national/jmm2024/2300_pmeevents#studpost
which includes:
PME Panel: What Every Student Should Know about the JMM, (Wednesday 1:00-2:30 and Thursday 10:30-12:00)
PME J. Sutherland Frame Lecture, with speaker Trachette Jackson, University of Michigan (Friday 2:15-3:15): Mobilizing Mathematics for the Fight Against Cancer.
Undergraduate Student Reception (Friday 6:00-8:00)
along with many other great opportunities!