Michigan Kappa Siena Heights University Chapter Report


Advisor and Officers

Advisor: Jeff Kallenbach

President: Ryan Hansinger

Vice President: Jennifer Lauer

Secretary/Treasurer: Kelly Ruder

Number of New Members Inducted:


Number of Continuing Members:


Describe the two most interesting or unusual chapter activities this year:

Mathapalooza – a PME/Math Club pre-finals event, run each semester, at which SHU students can come in for help with their final exam preparation. Students at all levels are welcome, and attend. The PME members assist the lower-level students with their prep, and the members get help with their prep from faculty and other members. We serve pizza, drinks, and dessert, and the SHU Student Senate helps pick up the tab for the event. It was well-attended both semesters this year, as it has been each semester since we started it in 2007. Rose Hulman attendance. As we do every year, we attended the RHIT UMC in March. This year 2 faculty and 10 students caravanned to Terra Haute and saw a number of interesting talks – one by a student aged 14 (!). It’s a nice bonding experience for club members.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present a paper at the 2009 PME national meeting at MathFest in Portland, Oregon?
