South Carolina Alpha Chapter Report

Institution: University of South Carolina

Reporting Year: 2016-2017

Advisor: Ronda Sanders

Advisor's Email Address:

Has There Been a Change in Chapter Advisor During the Past Year?: No

Permanent Faculty Correspondent: 

Permanent Faculty Correspondent's Email Address: 

Officers: President: Neall Caughman (‎ Vice President: Lydia Wernersbach (‎ Treasurer: Annalise Bowen (‎

Chapter Website:

Number of New Members: 11

Number of Continuing Members: 40

Activities: In October 2016, our chapter hosted Bill Butterworth, who served as Mathematics Consultant to the CBS television show The Price is Right from 1997 to 2009. More than 100 students attended his talk "Come on Down... A Mathematical Tour of the Price is Right". In March, we celebrated Pi Day, which usually falls during Spring Break, with pie and a talk by Dr. David Sumner, USC Distinguished Professor Emeritis.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present at the PME National Meeting this year? No.

Do you have any news about current students or recent graduations? For example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences, etc.

If you were awarded a PME Lectureship, Conference, or Prize Grant within the past year, please briefly describe the results.