Institution: Youngstown State University
Reporting Year: 2017-2018
Advisor: Dr. George Yates
Advisor's Email Address:
Has There Been a Change in Chapter Advisor During the Past Year?: no
Permanent Faculty Correspondent:
Permanent Faculty Correspondent's Email Address:
Officers: President - Elise Eckman Vice President - Zack While Treasurer - Leah Bayer Historian - Christing Langer Secretary - Natalie Halavick Webmaster - Luke Nappi
Chapter Website:
Number of New Members: 43
Number of Continuing Members: 58
Activities: The YSU Mathematics Department and Pi Mu Epsilon YSU branch host MathFest where students from all over the region spend a day at YSU taking part in mathematics competitions and attending workshops headed by YSU math professors and members of Pi Mu Epsilon. This is an opportunity for students to experience a day in the life of a YSU math student and promotes mathematics among high school students.
Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present at the PME National Meeting this year? Yes, the YSU chapter takes pride in sending multiple students to give talks every year.
Do you have any news about current students or recent graduations? For example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences, etc.
Graduating seniors:
Zack While - Attending graduate school at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Natalie Halavick - Attending graduate school at Purdue
Christine Langer - Attending graduate school at YSU
If you were awarded a PME Lectureship, Conference, or Prize Grant within the past year, please briefly describe the results.
The YSU regional conference was partially funded by National Pi Mu Epsilon. Students from multiple universities gave talks throughout the day. It was an excellent opportunity for students and professors to network with others and learn of new topics in mathematics.