
Colorado Gamma United States Air Force Academy Chapter Report


Advisor and Officers

Advisor: Michelle Ghrist

President: Joshua Sinkler (2008-2009)

Number of New Members Inducted:


Number of Continuing Members:


Describe the two most interesting or unusual chapter activities this year:

We held a few game night meetings with cadets throughout the year.  Cadets and faculty members meet over food to play games like Apples to Apples and Boggle.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present a paper at the PME national meeting at MathFest in Madison, Wisconsin?

Jeremy Thompson will present a PME paper.

Do you have any news about current students or recent graduates, for example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences?

The math department had five of our sixteen graduating math majors as distinguished graduates (~top 10% of graduates).  All were Pi Mu Epsilon members (Kenneth Grosselin III, Adam Stooke, James Bresnahan, Kimberly Kallabis, and Brianne Davidson). Kenneth Grosselin will be attending RAND graduate school for a PhD in Policy Analysis (math modeling specialty) on a RAND PhD Scholarship; he also won a NCAA Post-graduate scholar/athlete scholarship.  He was very active in track and cross country; he was also USAFA’s Class of 2008 #2 overall graduate and #2 graduate academically. Adam Stooke won a Hertz Foundation Fellowship and will be attending CU-Berkeley. Kimberly Kallabis will be attending MIT on a departmental scholarship.