
New York Kappa Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Chapter Report


Advisor and Officers

Advisor: Bruce Piper

President: Lindsey Garrett

Vice President: Heather Palmeri

Treasurer: Joshua Sauppe

Secretary: Jen Moyher

Recruitment Chair: Bianca Zongrone

Number of New Members Inducted:


Number of Continuing Members:


Describe the two most interesting or unusual chapter activities this year:

Members attended the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics conference at Saint Lawrence University in Canton New York on April 19th, 2008. Members participated in the CoMap sponsored Mathematical Contest in Modeling, or the MCM. This year the contest was held February 14th, 2008 through February 17th, 2008. Students competed on campus to research either a soduko based problem or a global warming based problem.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present a paper at the PME national meeting at MathFest in Madison, Wisconsin?


Do you have any news about current students or recent graduates, for example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences?

Patrick Braash – Graduated with a BS in math and is working at NSA Ashley Thomas – Graduated with a BS and MS in math and plans to work on her PhD in applied math; gave a presentation on detecting tumors at the undergraduate math conference at Saint Lawrence Andrew Nixon – Graduated with a BS in math and physics MS in math; earned the distinction of meritorious in the MCM Lindsey Garrett – Earned the distinction of meritorious in the MCM Joshua Sauppe – Earned the distinction of meritorious in the MCM; received funding from the NSF to continue research on neural networks Dan Johnson – Earned the distinction of meritorious in the MCM; received funding from the NSF to continue research on neural networks Jen Moyher – Received funding from the NSF to continue research on neural networks Pamela Fuller – Received funding from the NSF to continue research on epidemiology Toni Wagner – Received funding from the NSF to continue research on epidemiology Tegan Webster – Gave a presentation on e.coli cell production at the undergraduate math conference at St. Lawrence Dan Ecreg – Graduated with a MS in math and is working at the NSA Tim Gilman – Studied abroad at UCL in London Dan Hathaway – Earned the distinction of meritorious in the MCM Tim Tusing – Gave a presentation at the undergraduate math conference at St. Lawrence Mary Jo Sorrentino – Graduated with a BS in math and management Bruce Piper – Earned a teaching award designed to recognize members of the Rensselaer faculty for their outstanding teaching techniques, contributions to the campus experience and commitment to students Lauren Schneider – Graduated with a BS in math