The executive council is now accepting nominations for the Triennial Advisor Award, and is particularly interested in receiving submissions from the society’s student members.
A few years ago, Pi Mu Epsilon established an award intended to recognize a local chapter advisor for his or her contributions to the society. Named in honor of its benefactor, the late Professor J. Douglas Faires, the Triennial Advisor Award will next be presented at this summer’s annual Pi Mu Epsilon Conference, held in conjunction with MathFest, the summer’s meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, in Portland, Oregon from August 6-9, 2014. In addition to being recognized at the Pi Mu Epsilon banquet, the award recipient will receive a plaque and a $500 prize.
Please note that sitting members of the Pi Mu Epsilon council (the Past-President, President, President-Elect, Journal Editor, and four Councilors), are ineligible to receive the award.
If you wish to nominate your current or past advisor, please send Pi Mu Epsilon President, Eve Torrence (etorrenc@rmc.edu) an email by June 1, 2014 that includes the following information:
1. The nominee’s name, institution, and chapter letter. (See the PME webpage if you don’t know the chapter letter.)
2. A brief description of the advisor’s role in promoting undergraduate mathematics scholarship. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Ensuring the local chapter meets on a regular basis.
b. Assisting with planning activities, such as social events, inviting outside speakers, etc.
c. Mentoring students as research project advisors.
d. Encouraging students to participate in other scholarly activities, such as attending conferences and/or giving presentations.
e. Serving as an academic advisor in terms of helping students make decisions regarding professional goals, attending graduate school, etc.
Ideally, the award should recognize an advisor who has contributed in several of the above ways and who has made a lasting impression upon his or her students, one that will be remembered for years to come.
Please consider nominating a deserving faculty advisor for this award.