We are pleased to announce the Spring 2017 PMEJ Problem Contest Winner. Four schools qualified by submitting two correct solutions: Andrews University, Cal Poly Pomona, The Episcopal Academy, and North Central College; the randomly selected one was North Central College (Illinois Nu).
We encourage all chapters to continue submitting solutions. As a reminder, each issue of the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal will include between 4 and 9 new problems. Any school sending in solutions to at least two problems will be entered into a drawing to win a free pizza dinner (up to $100). Faculty may work with students, but each solution must have at least one student. The number of problems solved by your school is how many times your school’s name will be entered, and then one school will be uniformly drawn for the prize. There will be a prize awarded twice a year with one each for the problems from the fall issue and the spring issue. Problems from the current and past issues can be accessed here.