Georgia Epsilon Valdosta State University 2007-2008 Chapter Report Chapter Report


Advisor and Officers

Advisor: Dr. Denise Reid

President: Maheera Farsi

Vice President: Andrel Sims

Secretary: Vernald Moore

Number of New Members Inducted:


Number of Continuing Members:


Describe the two most interesting or unusual chapter activities this year:

Math Competition on March 26, 2009. Received a PME matching grant that was used for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the mathematics competition. Inducted 4 new members.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present a paper at the 2009 PME national meeting at MathFest in Portland, Oregon?


Do you have any news about current students or recent graduates, for example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences?

Former chapter president Katie Klimko is now attending Harvard Law School.