Ohio Xi Chapter Report

Institution: Youngstown State University

Reporting Year: 2019-2020

Advisor: Thomas Wakefield

Advisor's Email Address: tpwakefield@ysu.edu

Has There Been a Change in Chapter Advisor During the Past Year?: Yes; George Yates

Permanent Faculty Correspondent: 

Permanent Faculty Correspondent's Email Address: 

Officers: President: Anthony Dickson; ajdickson@student.ysu.edu Vice-President: Tyler Leibengood; tjleibengood@student.ysu.edu Secretary: Payton Linton; palinton@student.ysu.edu Treasurer: Alex Ballow; alballow@student.ysu.edu Historian: Will Melodia; wmmelodia@student.ysu.edu Webmaster: Nick Beike; nfbeike@student.ysu.edu

Chapter Website: http://http://ysumathstat.org/pme/2017/

Number of New Members: 12

Number of Continuing Members: 39

Activities: Pancakes were served at some of the PME meetings this year and a student-led seminar was offered to members.

Do any of your chapter members plan to attend or present at the PME National Meeting this year? N/A

Do you have any news about current students or recent graduations? For example, scholarships or other awards, acceptances to graduate school, paper presentations at conferences, etc.
Tyler Leibengood is completing an internship at NASA Glenn and three graduating PME members accepted offers for employment at companies in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia in data analytics and computer programming. Anthony Dickson will continue his studies in the master's program in mathematics at YSU.

If you were awarded a PME Lectureship, Conference, or Prize Grant within the past year, please briefly describe the results.
The PME Conference grant supported another successful undergraduate PME mathematics conference at YSU. We had 120 attendees. A Prize Grant was used to support the prizes offered at our annual YSU MathFest. We had nearly record-breaking attendance with 350 high school juniors and seniors on-campus in November for our day of workshops and talks. Darci Kracht (PME Councilor) was the featured speaker that day!